A Cowboy for Caleb (Great Plains Shifters Book 1) Read online

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“I…I guess so.” Caleb’s voice cracked.

  “Of course he is. I’m never wrong about these things,” Noreen said matter-of-factly. “Well, I’ll give you two some time to talk it over. Caleb, dear, when you have time, come find me and we’ll go shopping for the nursery.”

  “Nursery?” Caleb squeaked. “I can’t be more than a couple months along.”

  “You can never start preparing too soon,” she called on her way out of the room.

  Left alone, neither Caleb nor Dustin said a word for a few minutes. Finally, Caleb asked, “So, I’m ‘Caleb Dear’ now?”

  “Are you sure I can’t move her to that empty house on the other side of the pack?” Dustin pleaded. “Just say the word.”

  “She’s your mother,” Caleb said flatly. “Besides, I don’t think she’ll be any easier to deal with all the way out there. She’s finally stopped hating me.”

  Dustin snorted. He fell silent again, and his face went blank like some realization had just hit him. “You’re pregnant.”

  “Yeah,” Caleb breathed. “It seems that way.”

  “I don’t really know how to react until I know how you’re feeling,” Dustin admitted. “Are you okay? We’ve never really talked about this.”

  “No,” Caleb murmured. “We haven’t. I guess I just thought we’d have more time. I mean, we’ve been pretty careful since…”

  “Since your heat. Yeah.” Dustin cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. I know this is a lot after… Well, it’s a lot. If you need some time to process it, I’d understand.”

  “I thought I would,” Caleb admitted, looking down at his stomach. He still didn’t look remotely pregnant, but at least now he knew why he’d been so unsuccessful in shedding the bit of weight he’d put on during the winter. “I thought it would be too much, and maybe it is, but right now, all I’m feeling is…happy,” he said, finally deciding that was the only word that described the butterflies in his stomach and the hope in his heart.

  “Yeah? Really?” Dustin asked hopefully. The way the Alpha’s eyes lit up made it clear what his reaction was, and seeing his mate so full of joy made it easier for Caleb to give himself permission to feel the same.

  Every day, it got a little easier to accept the goodness in his life without feeling an equal measure of guilt. Dustin was right. Alec wouldn’t have wanted that, and as much as Caleb was worried about betraying him, he knew that the way he’d been living wasn’t honoring Alec’s memory, either.

  “Yeah,” Caleb said, smiling as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. At least now he knew why he’d been crying so much more easily. “Yeah, of course I’m happy. We’re having a baby.”

  “We are,” Dustin laughed, scooping Caleb up into his arms. The omega yelped in alarm as his mate spun him around. He was dizzy by the time the Alpha stopped, and even dizzier when Dustin kissed him. The Alpha pulled away just enough to look at Caleb, his eyes full of tenderness and adoration. “We’re having a baby.”

  “I love you so much,” Caleb said, nuzzling Dustin’s cheek. He knew that much. No matter what had happened in the past or what the future held, he loved Dustin and he had never been able to bring himself to regret it for a moment. They had both lost so much, but in their darkest moments, they’d found a light in each other.

  That couldn’t be so terribly wrong, could it?

  Chapter 21


  In the weeks following the realization that Caleb was pregnant, Dustin’s life had been a flurry of doctor’s appointments, ceremony planning and doing his best to keep his mother from driving his pregnant mate insane. And there had been a time he’d thought being a pack Alpha was difficult.

  At least he had help. Zander had taken a temporary break from his bounty hunting career to stick around and help take some of the more mundane responsibilities off Dustin’s plate. In the wake of Caleb’s return from the Smith family’s pack, Ariel and her new mate had decided to take Dustin up on his invitation to join the Meadowlands Pack. Henry was a hardworking Alpha and Dustin was more than happy to have him around, not to mention relieved that Caleb would still have his friend to call on. There were just some things he couldn’t fully understand, despite his best attempts to commiserate, and swollen feet and odd food cravings were two of them.

  The baby was healthy, by all accounts. Dustin had never imagined a single black-and-white photograph could fill him with such pride.

  Some days, he worried that Caleb was having a harder time than he was letting on. The omega was so good at putting on a brave face for everyone else, but Dustin knew the realization that he was pregnant again had to come with some mixed feelings. Hell, it did for him and he wasn’t the one whose body had been put through hell with only grief to show for it.

  It had been a full week since he’d finished the project he’d been working on in his spare moments, but he kept going back and forth on whether it was the right time to tell Caleb or not. He knew in his heart that it was what the omega needed, but the timing had to be just right.

  When he came home early to check on Caleb only to find the omega crying on the bench inside the library window with Alec’s favorite throw wrapped around his shoulders, he knew.

  Without a word, Dustin took Caleb into his arms and held him close, stroking his hair. He knew better than to give in to his instincts to tell Caleb that everything was going to be alright. Just because it would be okay eventually didn’t mean it had been, and Dustin knew better than anyone that no matter how good the present was, the wounds of the past could reopen at any time.

  “I’m sorry,” Caleb sniffed. “I’m just having an emotional day.”

  “Never be sorry for crying, baby,” Dustin said, brushing his thumb over the omega’s cheek. “Just let me be the one who dries your tears and I’m good.”

  Caleb leaned in and kissed him, snuggling up against his chest. “You’re home early,” he said softly, scratching at one of the buttons on Dustin’s plaid shirt.

  “Yeah, there’s something I wanted to show you, if you’re feeling up to it.”

  “It might be nice to get some fresh air,” Caleb said, letting Dustin help him to his feet.

  Dustin led him out of the house and into the courtyard on the other side of the woods. It was near the cemetery, but far enough that you could only see the gravestones from a certain angle. Dustin still went to visit his brother’s grave whenever he felt the need for guidance, and maybe it was just wishful thinking, but every now and then, he’d see a Cardinal sitting in a tree watching him and it made him feel a little less alone.

  Alec had always liked those birds. He’d told Dustin once that some cultures believed them to be the spirits of the dead watching over their loved ones from the other side. He wasn’t sure if that was true, but it made him feel better.

  He let go of Caleb’s hand as they reached the newly erected fountain at the entrance to the courtyard. It was magnificent—a stone angel kneeling to offer its right hand to a wolf pup’s paw while holding a flowing vase in its left arm. The surprise on the omega’s face turned to shock as he lowered his gaze to the base of the statue where a bronze plaque read, “In Loving Memory of Alec and Baylor Andrews. Always missed, forever in our hearts.”

  Caleb put a hand over his mouth and let out a strangled sob. Dustin watched him worriedly. “I’m sorry. If you don’t like it —“

  “It’s beautiful,” Caleb whispered, brushing his fingers over the engraving on the plaque. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he stared up at the statue. “It’s perfect.”

  “I’m glad,” Dustin said, resting his hand on Caleb’s back. For a long while, they stayed there silently, taking comfort in each other’s company. Before long, the sun started to set over the hillside. With Caleb, even the most bittersweet moments passed all too quickly. It was a good thing they had a lifetime of moments to share.

  Chapter 22


  The day of the mating ceremony came sooner than Caleb expected, but Noreen had taken care of almos
t everything, for better or for worse. Caleb had never been all that wrapped up in the idea of a ceremony to begin with, so he was more than happy to let her take the reins. He could also tell that it was her way of putting things right between them.

  If anything, she’d been a bit too attentive since finding out he was pregnant. Although Caleb wanted nothing more than for Dustin to have a good relationship with both of his parents, part of him feared that Noreen’s former self would rear its head. Putting up with her dislike of him had been one thing, but he wasn’t going to let her make his child feel less than, no matter how much he wanted to make amends with her.

  Nonetheless, his fears had been allayed somewhat when she’d jumped in to offer to take him to one of his doctor’s appointments while Dustin was away dealing with an emergency in a neighboring pack. Caleb had never seen someone melt the way Noreen had the moment she’d seen the sonogram image.

  He’d also never seen someone take the ultrasound wand right out of a doctor’s hand and insist on doing it herself because “he wasn’t getting a clear enough picture,” but there were some things that were just never going to change no matter how much Noreen’s heart did.

  At least the ceremony plans had forced her and Blake to be in the same room together. They had even gone through the dress rehearsal without a single instance of profanity. That counted for progress in the Andrews household.

  The ceremony was beautiful, if a bit lavish for Caleb’s tastes, but he decided to be grateful that Noreen hadn’t insisted on full tuxedos and gowns. The Alphas from a few neighboring packs were present, and Zander had even brought a date of his own, although by that point, Caleb was used to never seeing the same one twice.

  Caleb sat back and sipped his sparkling juice with a contented sigh as he watched the pack that he had grown to think of as his family enjoying the celebration of his union with his mate. Ariel and Henry were on the dance floor, and they had yet to take their eyes off each other all evening. Dustin had taken a leave for the moment to help one of his betas put out a literal fire started by the string lights Noreen had insisted on putting up over the hedges.

  All in all, it had been a lovely evening, but Caleb would be glad to get back to life as usual. The ceremony was nice, but every morning he woke up in Dustin’s arms was the real fairytale moment. He’d finally come to be at peace with the fact that he was happy. It didn’t mean that he had forgotten Alec or their child, and for the first time, he realized that enjoying the good moments now didn’t take away from all the ones he’d lost.

  Dustin was right. They could remember while moving forward with their own lives, and this baby, as unexpected as she was, had given him the strength to do so.

  “Mind if I steal a dance while your mate’s away?” Zander asked with an impish grin.

  Caleb smiled and let the Alpha help him out of his chair. He needed a bit of a push those days. He followed Zander out onto the dance floor and looked around in search of the omega he’d shown up with. “Where’s Nadeen?”

  “She hit it off with another Alpha who works in the same field, and I figured, who am I to stand in the way of true love?”

  Caleb gave him a look. “You might try standing in the way and letting the arrow hit you sometime. You’re not getting any younger,” he teased.

  Zander snorted. “Long-term’s not really my deal, as appealing as you and Dustin make it seem.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” Caleb asked, lowering his voice so only Zander could hear him.


  “It’s because of Darren, isn’t it?”

  Pain flickered in the Alpha’s eyes at the mention of his first love, but it didn’t last. “Alec told you, I guess.”

  “He did,” Caleb murmured. “I’m sorry, if it’s too personal…”

  “It’s alright. Guess I kind of owe you after outing your past to Dustin.”

  “It worked out okay,” Caleb said gently. “I’m glad he knew what he was getting into, at least, and I know it was an accident.” He hesitated. “He didn’t tell me much about what happened with Darren, just that it ended badly.”

  “Badly,” Zander laughed. “That’s one way to put him running away with my hunting partner the night before our mating ceremony.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Caleb’s heart ached for the Alpha. Zander put on a front of being tough, and he was, but he wasn’t nearly as invulnerable as he liked to pretend. He cared so much about those around him. The way he’d doted on Ariel and risked his own neck to bring her into the pack, knowing she belonged to another Alpha and never once expecting anything in return, was proof of that to Caleb. “You deserved better than that. Someday, you’ll meet someone who can give you better.”

  Zander shook his head. “There’s no one else for me, Caleb. Never has been, never will be.”

  The Alpha’s words were so close to the ones Dustin had spoken in the past that it gave Caleb pause. “I know it seems that way now, Z, but you don’t know what the future holds.”

  “I do,” he said, staring off at nothing. “There’s only one omega I’ve ever loved, and he was supposed to be my past, present and future. Just because it didn’t work out that way doesn’t mean there’s room for anyone else. Not in my heart.”

  Caleb’s eyes widened. “You imprinted on him, didn’t you?”

  Zander didn’t respond, but his sullen expression was enough of an answer for the omega.

  “Zander, I don’t know what to say. Does Dustin know?”

  “No, and I’d appreciate it if you kept it that way. I’ve never told anyone,” he admitted. “Not even Alec.”

  “I won’t,” Caleb promised. He wished so badly there was something he could say to comfort Zander, but the Alpha had never given him hollow platitudes, and Caleb respected him too much to do the same.

  “Mind if I cut in?” Dustin asked in a teasing tone.

  Zander gave the other Alpha his usual smug grin and stepped away. “He’s all yours,” he said, giving Dustin a tight hug. The change that came over him was so swift, Caleb found himself wondering just how much of Zander’s easygoing nature was hiding the pain he so obviously felt as freshly as the day Darren had betrayed him. “Congratulations, you two.”

  “Love you, man,” Dustin said before taking Caleb into his arms.

  Caleb watched worriedly as Zander went back into the crowd and emerged with another dance partner in record time. “Do you ever worry about him?” he asked softly.

  His mate followed his gaze and sighed. “Zander? All the time. Why?”

  “Nothing,” Caleb said, intent on keeping his promise to their friend. If Zander wasn’t willing to tell Dustin, it was likely a matter of pride. He might not understand the nature of an Alpha’s ego, but he could respect the differences between their kinds. After all, the very things that bewildered him about Dustin were the things that brought the most dimension into his life. “This has been a surprisingly nice evening.”

  “Even better now,” Dustin said, pulling Caleb closer. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Good. Really good,” Caleb admitted, smiling. “And I’m starting to feel good about feeling good.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Dustin said, kissing him.

  As they danced, Caleb started to forget they were surrounded by the rest of the pack. By the time the last few guests had left and the cleanup crew came out, Caleb still hadn’t seen Noreen or Blake. He was starting to get worried. He loved his in-laws, or at least, he tried most days, but he always felt like he could manage them better if he kept them within his sights. It was one of the main reasons he had talked Dustin out of ousting his mother from the family home after learning of her role in summoning the Federation to their pack.

  Caleb still wasn’t entirely sure what Dustin had done in retaliation since the Alpha insisted on sheltering him from anything that might cause him stress, but he had heard there had been quite the restructuring in the Federation’s local offices.

  “Where are your parents?”
Caleb asked.

  His mate’s worried expression told him Dustin was thinking along the same lines. “No idea,” he muttered, taking Caleb’s hand to lead him into the building that had served as the hub for the ceremony preparations. The lights were still on, but the lobby was empty.

  “I think I hear something this way,” Dustin said, walking down a hall. Caleb followed him to a broom closet and when Dustin opened the door, neither of them were prepared for the sight that greeted them.

  Noreen and Blake were in the middle of a full-on makeout session, judging from the tousled state of their formal clothes and Noreen’s usually flawless hair. The pair separated immediately as Caleb gave a startled cry and Dustin put a hand over his eyes with a growl of what Caleb could only describe as disgust mingled with the loss of his innocence.

  “What the hell?” the Alpha cried, his hand still covering his eyes.

  Noreen’s face was bright red as she smoothed down her dress. Blake looked far less flustered.

  “I didn’t raise you in a barn,” she huffed. “You could knock.”

  “It’s the rec room closet!” Dustin growled. “Or at least, it was. Now I’m thinking of having the whole place burnt down.”

  “Don’t be dramatic,” Blake scoffed. “Your mother and I are still of a certain age, you know. We have our passions.”

  “Please. Don’t finish that thought,” Dustin groaned, finally peeling his hand away to look at them both. “What does this mean? Do you always follow up a thirty-minute argument over whose caterer does a better shellfish platter by making out in the closet?”

  “Of course not. And it wasn’t an argument, it was a civil disagreement,” Noreen said matter-of-factly.

  “That doesn’t really answer my first question,” said Dustin.

  Noreen and Blake looked at each other. The Alpha reached for her hand and Caleb felt enough like he was being pranked to look for hidden cameras. “We were going to wait to tell you until things were a bit more solidified, since that’s obviously the way things are done around here,” he said dryly. “But your mother and I have decided to try and work things out.”